CMA CGM is pleased to announce the launch of thheir new service, SEAS 3 (Asia to South America East Coast 3), specifically designed to streamline the shipments from the Far East to ECSA. This initiative aligns with market dynamics in the region and reaffirms CMA CGM&rsq...
Kale Logistics Solutions (Kale) airport cargo management system has automated the customs clearance operations of CKTS Company Limited (CKTS), a major ground handler at Kansai International Airport, Osaka, Japan.
The first stage of deploying Kale’s GALAXY cargo...
Al Seer Marine, a frontrunner in the maritime industry and a subsidiary of International Holding Company (ADX: IHC), announced the delivery of motor tankers Tabit and Rigel, the final two vessels in its series of six new build Medium Range (MR) tankers ordered from K Shipbuilding...
BOC Aviation Limited is pleased to announce that it has delivered the first of two A320NEO aircraft on long term leases to new customer Centrum Air. Both aircraft are powered by CFM LEAP-1A engines, with the second jet also scheduled to deliver in the first half of this year.