The Port of Rotterdam Authority stops tender procedure for CER transport
The Port of Rotterdam Authority has decided to temporarily stop the tendering procedure for unmanned transport on the Container Echange Route (CER). The reason for this is that there are currently too many risks and uncertainties that prevent the development of a sufficiently competitive product.
The Port of Rotterdam Authority has notified all parties involved of this. In the coming months, PoR will consult with parties about how the CER can be used for the manned transport of containers.
The fact that the tendering procedure has now been stopped does not explicitly mean that there is no suitable party that can supply the requested technology. The tendering procedure has indeed resulted in a technically feasible proposal from a supplier of autonomous driving vehicles. However, the complexity of the project does not lie solely in what is technically possible. The risks must also be accounted for operationally and financially.
The Port of Rotterdam Authority does see opportunities and a lot of perspective in the future in fully autonomous transport from stack to stack and will continue to discuss how this can be made possible in the long term.