ONE launches new “Store Door” service in India

February 27 2025 Print This Article

Ocean Network Express (ONE) is pleased to announce the launch of their new “Store Door” service in India to enhance the inland logistics needs.

The ONE stop transaction provides with the seamless and competitive intermodal solution from the port of discharge to the last-mile door destination, and vice versa, through their strategic hub ICD locations; ICD Chawapali, Ludhiana, ICD Rewari, and ICD Panki Kanpur.

Masahiro Sakikubo, Managing Director of Ocean Network Express (India), commented,  “This value-added service will deliver the additional supply chain solution to our customers along with convenience and efficiency, and we will continue to expand our store door network in India in response to the customers’ requirements”.

ONE is committed to continue offering comprehensive coverage and greater service quality to customers as “Your Number ONE Shipping Partner”.