Evergreen adds service options on Asia - Australia Trade

July 16 2013 Print This Article
Through a port rotation enhancement and a new slot charter agreement Evergreen Line is improving its service options on the Asia-Australia trade.

The North East Asia Australia service (NEAX), which Evergreen operates together with joint service partners NYK, MOL, K LINE and OOCL will have a new port rotation starting with the sailing from Yokohama on the 4th of August. From then on the schedule will run, Osaka - Pusan - Qingdao - Shanghai - Ningbo - Melbourne - Sydney - Brisbane before returning to Yokohama.

The service adjustment will not only improve schedule integrity but will also provide a direct link from Qingdao and shorten the transit time from Shanghai and Ningbo to Australian ports.

In addition, Evergreen is adding the new Sino Australia Service (SAS) also from the 4th of August. This will operate through a slot charter arrangement with COSCO. The SAS port rotation will be Ningbo - Shanghai - Xiamen - Shekou - Hong Kong - Sydney - Melbourne - Brisbane - Ningbo.

Evergreen customers with Asia-Australia trade requirements will benefit from not only improved service between the line's current scheduled port pairings but also from the addition of port options. The developments are once more in harmony with Evergreen's stated policy to optimize its global network and provide quality service to its customers by continually monitoring market trends and reacting swiftly to amend services appropriately.