CMA CGM to reshuffle its EMBX short sea service to Russia Black Sea
CMA CGM is pleased to announce the reshuffling of their EMBX Short Sea service to Russia Black Sea.
EMBX - East Med Black Sea Express will start from Thursday, May 6th, 2021 ex Malta port. This sustainable option is aiming at fostering their worldwide connection to Izmir and Novorossyisk.
EMBX features will be the following:
- Fleet: 2 vessels of 900 TEU nominal capacity
- Rotation: Malta - Izmir - Novorossiysk - Piraeus - Ambarli - Gemlik - Izmit - Intramed ports - Malta
- Frequency: Every 10 days
- First calls: ETA Malta on Thursday, May 6th | ETA Izmir on Sunday, May 9th | ETA Novorossyisk on Thursday, May 13th, 2021
- Ocean Transit Time references: Malta to Izmir in 3 days | Malta to Novorossyisk in 7 days | Novorossyisk to Piraeus in 3 days