Brussels Airlines expands its African flight offer
In the course of this year Brussels Airlines is improving its African flight offer with frequency increases to several destinations. Dakar will be offered daily instead of 4 times per week during the summer season. Also for Freetown, Cotonou and Conakry the flight offer will be extended and smooth connections are also possible between Lubumbashi and Mbuji-Mayi.
The new bilateral aviation agreement between Belgium and the Republic of Senegal, Brussels Airlines will be able to connect Brussels daily to Dakar instead of 4 times a week. Brussels Airlines also concluded a commercial agreement with the national airline Senegal Airlines to commercialise the flights in combination with regional flights that connect well with the direct Dakar-Brussels service.
As a result, Brussels Airlines is also able to reinforce her flight offer to several other West African countries. Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone, will be served 4 instead of 2 times a week - Monday, Wednesday (new), Friday and Saturday (new).
The Conakry (Guinea) service will be improved to a third weekly flight and a better spread of the flights throughout the week (flight days: Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday).
Cotonou (Benin) will also be flown three times a week starting this summer (Tuesday, Thursday (new), Saturday).
Some other destinations will have slight changes in the flight days (Banjul, Ouagadougou, Lomé, Douala, Yaounde, Kinshasa, Luanda) to offer better connection possibilities to other Brussels Airlines destinations in Europe. There's also good news for the many passengers travelling between the US and Monrovia (Liberia): the flight times are now optimized for quicker connections in Brussels Airport.